~ Start ~
Enroll Today to get even more...The challenges are diverse and the competition is stimulating and fun.
Entering the Playground
Are you ready to go into hyper-drive?
Unlock your full potential!
Not only do members gain access to exclusive products, services, and experiences, but they also get to connect directly with project leaders, manage and track their personal "Missions" (or tasks), and enrich their own - and others' - journeys through virtual training, critical thinking tools, and powerful sense-making resources.
This truly isn't just a transactional opportunity - it's an invitation to become part of a transformative movement, to collaborate and co-create with like-minded individuals who are committed to making a positive impact.
You will be able to connect with project leaders, manage and track Missions (tasks), and enrich your own, and others', experience through virtual training, connections, critical thinking and sense making tools.
Watch this introductory video and join the discussion.
Mission 1:
Enroll Today!!
Learn more about our on-boarding process & the tools we provide to aid you in nurturing your inner light.
Duplicate the "Worksheet" and add your name to the title when answering the following questions.
When you have completed your worksheet you can mark the status as done and place it in the Trust Network box on the far right of the board and/or take it off the public board and save it to your private board.
Subscribe to our free newsletter for updates.
Worksheet 1
To duplicate the card with all of the questions included, Enroll Today!!
What are your objectives?
What are your values?
What fulfills you?
What are your dreams?
How do you shine?
Are you willing to face your fears?
What ignites your soul and how do you ignite?
If life is a stage and we are all players, whom shall you be?
What makes something great?
What confines you?
Will you take the path less traveled?
What do you believe is possible?
What archetype do you identify with most?
Who is your hero?
Start your Missions Today!
Mission 2
Build your Meta Profile
Fill out your Superpower Identifier and learn what Missions best fit you.
Add your basic information and start building your #SoulSpark map. You will need to be added to the team to complete this Mission. Be sure to connect with us for your key.
This is your introduction to Play with others in the community.
Discover Your Virtual Bug Out Workshops Today!
Enroll Today!
Get ready to improve your health and well-being. This calendar will be updated monthly as we add more Missions and Quests.
Spring schedule includes: Bug Out/In Preparedness activities, Micro-green and gardening activities, Outdoor adventures, collaborations and gatherings.
Sign up to receive newsletter notifications and contact us if you would like to add your event to the calendar.
Find or Form a Pod
Open Mission
Do you want to build alliances of great works?
Explain your call to action, pod focus, or alliances being built in your area. If you are already a part of the alliance and want to learn more about current events and activities, please view our calendar.