
What ignites your

Connect with others and share your passions.

Let us work with you to build your thriving vision. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

Our Quest is to level the playing field for all members within communities, business sectors, states, and beyond, creating equitable and sustainable community environments everywhere.

We are social re-engineers.  We believe the current systems design approach is obsolete and ineffective.  
We specialize in natural whole system thinking, design & infrastructure modeling. We provide the framework you need to grow & realize the full potential of you, your family & community.

We are currently spearheading a bio-regional learning center in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  With a vision to restore tribal lands, provide quality food, water, and education with tribal members of Pyramid Lake.

 Our services include:
~ Designing natural/organic infrastructure models for business and community using best practices
~ Games and challenges for improved self-esteem and knowledge
~ Team cohesion coaching and facilitation
Social and team building exercises/games
~ Quantum Life Coaching
~ Regenerative Project Design and Management Services
~ Consultation and referrals
~ Guidance and models in alignment with natural system design methodology
~ 'Out of the box' systems approaches to community restoration and rebuilding

We also provide guidance/mentorship for individuals, businesses and communities.  By becoming a member you will have access to many of our services.  If you would like to contract our services for a specific projector business, we offer a variety of consultation package.

What do you specialize in?

Performance methodology is our specialty.  We specialize in natural design application for optimal growth and thriving humanity.  Through a rigorous application of the "7- P" philosophy and the four step process to problem solving, we aid in the transformation of yourself, your project, business, or other expression into a vibrant thriving reality.

We strive to empower your dreams, improve personal and business relationships, enabling you to reclaim your intrinsic values and tools.

What are your outreach focus and demographics?

Our outreach focus is to provide tools and education for children of all ages, with special focus on the under served communities of alternately-abled individuals. We especially provide opportunities to those with Traumatic Brain Injury and other mental challenges. We recognize that every individual has the potential to do anything they set their minds to and we are here to learn and share with you.

To learn more go to Your Hub.

What is the Quest?

To Inspire and Empower the hero within through optimized games and tools.  Enabling everyone to become more self reliant, building thriving bio-regional learning and development centers.  We have developed a set of tools and games to help complete the following Quests:

~ Previously unmet community needs. These needs can be identified and addressed through our ticketing portal with preset filters.
~Greater coordination of services (less overlap, duplication, fragmentation)
~Increased collaboration with or among other community organizations
~Collaboration serves as a model to others
~Improved quality of services and programs offered
~Increased number of clients, individuals, and organizations served
~Stronger, more effective “voice”
~Improved programmatic outcomes
~Able to serve a greater geographic area
~Retained programs or services in the community
~Across the broad implementation of our framework within each community, nation and organization, globally

What are the rates of your services?

We are now offering subscriptions and memberships of all types.  Be sure to visit our Donate page for more details.

Consultation options begin with a free introductory and evaluation meeting combined with our signature on-boarding curriculum.  We operate on a sliding scale and put collaboration above financial gain.  Our ultimate goal is to collaborate and build with others.  The products developed from this alliance are then equitably shared with identification of all contributors expression and input.

If you are interested in contracting our services for personal or consumer application, we are happy to discuss contractual agreements.  Fees start at $100/ hour.

What is the ticket system?

Each request is turned into a ticket which then transforms into a Mission for our Free Agents to accept.  You will receive direct communication from the Free Agent(s) who accept your request. 

Using a ticket generating management system, with built in incentives, your network of teams will be able to participate in team and task building, task management, and data collection, data and service correlation, cross over, adaptability and security while having access to a wide variety of resources and networking information, merit based recognition, and improved quality of life for all our community members.

Are you licensed and insured?

Great Works Alliance is a non-profit project organization of Earth Soul Ministries. Earth Soul Ministries was founded by Lyra Star, licensed minister and Reiki Master, in 2017 in the state of California, USA. 

We uphold the 'Golden Rule' in all our activities, services, and products.

What type of warranty do you provide (on custom work)?

We are committed to excellence and work with all collaborators through circles of trust.  Any products and services we provide do not carry a warranty and instead are constantly being refined through the process of collaboration.   We are performance oriented and strive for excellence in all we do.

What is Meritocracy?

A political(social) system in which economic goods and/or political power are vested in individual people on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than wealth or social class.

What inspired this project?

Positive Psychology is one of our core principles of engagement. Using the research published in the “Character Strengths and Virtues” handbook, by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, along with a practical application of metrics and meritous, research identifies that positive incentives and rewards improve one's self-esteem and outlook in life.

Take a deeper dive and play SparkITude with us. Transform your reality through portals and discover all the  Missions that are possible with us.

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SoulSpark Playground
