SoulSpark Tank
Common Unity
in the 

Inspiring and Empowering the Hero within.

Your support will allow scaling these impactful experiences to embrace humanity's shared capacity for conscious evolution. Players access a richly interactive world where they can forge connections across boundaries, join citizen initiatives addressing real-world issues, and level-up their emotional intelligence, networking ability and civic engagement.

Guiding principles of unity, compassion and regeneration are brought to life through quests, simulations and peer learning networks. Outcome metrics demonstrate significant gains in empathy, relationship skills, creativity and leadership potential - paving the way for more harmonious and solutions-oriented interactions both online and off.

Business and impact models are sustainable through memberships, impact investors and strategic corporate/NGO partnerships interested in workforce development and community betterment. By joining the vanguard of the ‘Regenaissance,’ Great Works Alliance aims to prove that innovative, mutual-benefit platforms can drive true and lasting progress on today’s most complex challenges by unlocking our shared human potential for good. Your visionary support will allow sharing its benefits on a global scale through this one-of-a-kind edutainment platform. Honoring the Golden Rule.

Quest #22
SoulSpark Tank

Community Investors Wanted:  Help us launch a life altering set of games and adventures. Creating more synergistic community and interpersonal relationships built on our shared values and common unity.

We are raising funds through engaging and interactive events at our current home base and through online campaigns.




You are invited to be a part of our community.

We value your support!

Would you like to see one of these in your community?   

We are re-purposing a trailer to resemble this model with a focus on providing a mobile community outreach portal & kiosk.  This mobile house would also facilitate fundraising through student enrollment and sale of Herbalicious Bliss products and services.

Our first mobile community hub will be deployed in Las Vegas. With your assistance Great Works Alliance can reach our goals, continuing the great work we have set out to accomplish in this Quest.

Donations are used to provide education, tools & resources for all Players of the 'Infinite Game'.

Mission I'm Possible Countdown

Act now! 
We invite you to participate in Missions, Quests, and opportunities with us.

Begin your Missions Today!

This notice will self destruct in:

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds

Welcome to the
Infinite Game On
