
Are you ready to take the leap of Transcendence to fulfill your full potential?

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The following is a description of character strengths within the core virtue of Transcendence.

Missions will be available to attain these badges.
To begin your Mission upload please be sure to create your Profile TODAY!

Transcendence is a core virtue and the following badges are attained prior to attaining the Badge of Transcendence.

Badge of Transcendence

Do you have the Transcendence to do what it takes to achieve your Quests and Missions?

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Strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning.

Character Strengths of Transcendence

Do you have what it takes to earn the Badge of Transcendence? The following character strength badges are available upon completion of Missions. When you have achieved each of your Missions you will be able to proudly present your badges on your Profile page.

Badge of Appreciation of Beauty

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And excellence [awe,wonder, elevation]: Noticing and appreciating beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in various domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience

Badge of Hope

Click the title to activate Mission I'm Possible activities.

[optimism, future-mindedness, future orientation]: Expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it; believing that a good future is something that can be brought about

Badge of Gratitude

Click the title to activate Mission I'm Possible activities.

Being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen; taking time to express thanks.

Badge of Humor

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[playfulness]: Liking to laugh and tease; bringing smiles to other people; seeing the light side; making (not necessarily telling) jokes.


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[faith, purpose]: Having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe; knowing where one fits within the larger scheme; having beliefs about the meaning of life that shape conduct and provide comfort.
